Welcome to Takaaki KAWAZOE's Web Site
I would like to introduce my studies on (1) Rheological Properties of Deep Earth & Planetary Minerals, (2) Synthesis of the Deep Earth Minerals, and (3) High-Pressure Experimental Techniques to you in this web site. The target minerals are Olivine, (hydrous) Wadsleyite, (hydrous) Ringwoodite, Bridgmanite, Majorite, etc.
I have studied at Department of Earth & Planetary Systems Science at Hiroshima University, Japan. |
【2021】 |
・March |
Two undergraduate students graduate in my group. |
【2020】 |
・November |
A paper is accepted in Minerals.
Structural study of δ-AlOOH up to 29 GPa
D. Simonova, E. Bykova, M. Bykov, T. Kawazoe, A. Simonov, N. Dubrovinskaia, and L. Dubrovinsky |
・June |
A paper is accepted in The Review of High Pressure Science and Technology.
Pressure effect on isotope fractionation factor (in Japanese)
A. Sano-Furukawa, S. Itoh, A. Suzumura, Y. Ueno, H. Yagi, T. Inoue, and
T. Kawazoe |
・April |
Two undergraduate students join my group. |
・March |
A Kawai-type multi-anvil apparatus is installed at our laboratory. |
【2019】 |
・September |
An undergraduate student graduates in my group. |
・August |
A paper is accepted in Nature Geoscience.
Sharp 660-km discontinuity controlled by extremely narrow binary post-spinel transition
T. Ishii, R. Huang, R. Myhill, H. Fei, I. Koemets, Z. Liu, F. Maeda,
L. Yuan, L. Wang, D. Druzhbin, T. Yamamoto, S. Bhat, R. Farla,
T. Kawazoe, N. Tsujino, E. Kulik, Y. Higo, Y. Tange, and T. Katsura |
・August |
A paper is accepted in American Mineralogist.
Stability, composition, and crystal structure of Fe-bearing phase E in
the transition zone
L. Zhang, J.R. Smyth, T. Kawazoe, S.D. Jacobsen, J. Niu, X. He, and S. Qin |
・July |
A paper is accepted in American Mineralogist.
Single crystal elasticity of iron-bearing phase E and seismic detection
of water in Earth's upper mantle
N. Satta, H. Marquardt, A. Kurnosov, J. Buchen, T. Kawazoe, C. McCammon, and T. Boffa Ballaran |
・May |
A paper is accepted in American Mineralogist.
Compressional behavior and spin state of δ-(Al,Fe)OOH at high pressures
I. Ohira, J.M. Jackson, N.V. Solomatova, W. Sturhahn, G.J. Finkelstein,
S. Kamada, T. Kawazoe, F. Maeda, N. Hirao, S. Nakano,
T.S. Toellner, A. Suzuki, and E. Ohtani |
・May |
A paper is accepted in Scientific Reports.
Hydrous magnesium-rich magma genesis at the top of the lower mantle
A. Nakajima, T. Sakamaki, T. Kawazoe, and A. Suzuki |
・January |
A paper is accepted in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
Phase relations in the system Fe-Ni-Si to 200 GPa and 3900 K and implications
for Earth's core
T. Komabayashi, G. Pesce, R. Sinmyo, T. Kawazoe, H. Breton, Y. Shimoyama, K. Glazyrin, Z. Konopkova, and M. Mezouar |
【2018】 |
・September |
A paper is accepted in American Mineralogist.
Activation of [100](001) slip system by water incorporation in olivine
and the cause of seismic anisotropy decrease with depth
in the asthenosphere
L. Wang, N. Miyajima, T. Kawazoe, and T. Katsura |
・June |
A paper is accepted in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
High-pressure single-crystal elasticity of wadsleyite and the seismic signature
of water in the shallow transition zone
J. Buchen, H. Marquardt, S. Speziale, T. Kawazoe, T. Boffa Ballaran, and A. Kurnosov
・June |
A paper is accepted in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
Seismically invisible water in the Earth's transition zone?
K. Schulze, H. Marquardt, T. Kawazoe, T. Boffa Ballaran, C. McCammon, M. Koch-Mueller, A. Kurnosov, and K.
Marquardt |
・June |
A paper is accepted in Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology.
Transition metals in the transition zone: partitioning of Ni, Co, and Zn
between olivine, wadsleyite, ringwoodite, and clinoenstatite
L. Zhang, J.R. Smyth, T. Kawazoe, S.D. Jacobsen, and S. Qin |
・April |
A paper is accepted in Minerals.
Application of Scanning Precession Electron Diffraction in the Transmission
Electron Microscope
to the characterization of deformation in wadsleyite and ringwoodite
B.C. Nzogang, S. Thilliez, A. Mussi, T. Kawazoe, N. Miyajima, J. Bouquerel, and P. Cordier |
・April |
A paper is accepted in Scientific Reports.
Complete agreement of the post-spinel transition with the 660-km seismic
T. Ishii, R. Huang, H. Fei, I. Koemets, Z. Liu, F. Maeda, L. Yuan, L.
Wang, D. Druzhbin, T. Yamamoto, S. Bhat, R. Farla,
T. Kawazoe, N. Tsujino, E. Kulik, Y. Higo, Y. Tange, and T. Katsura |
・March |
A paper is accepted in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
Deformation-induced crystallographic-preferred orientation of hcp-iron:
An experimental study
using a deformation-DIA apparatus
Y. Nishihara, T. Ohuchi, T. Kawazoe, Y. Seto, G. Maruyama, Y. Higo, K. Funakoshi, Y. Tange, and T. Irifune |
・March |
Kei Shiraishi joins our research group. |
【2017】 |
・November |
Uploaded on a server of Hiroshima University. |
・October |
I moved to Department of Earth & Planetary Systems Science at Hiroshima University. |
・September |
A paper is accepted in High Pressure Research.
Pressure generation to 65 GPa in Kawai‐type multi‐anvil apparatus with
tungsten carbide anvils
T. Ishii, D. Yamazaki, N. Tsujino, X. Fang, Z. Liu, T. Kawazoe, T. Yamamoto, D. Druzhbin, L. Wang, Y. Higo, Y. Tange, T. Yoshino,
and T. Katsura |
・August |
A paper is accepted in American Mineralogist.
The equation of state of wadsleyite solid solutions: Constraining the effects
of anisotropy and crystal chemistry
J. Buchen, H. Marquardt, T. Boffa Ballaran, T. Kawazoe, and C. McCammon |
・June |
A paper is accepted in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
High-pressure, high-temperature deformation of dunite, eclogite, clinopyroxenite
and garnetite using in situ X-ray diffraction
R. Farla, A. Rosenthal, C. Bollinger, S. Petitgirard, J. Guignard, N.
Miyajima, T. Kawazoe, W. Crichton, and D. Frost |
・May |
A paper is accepted in Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology.
Flow behavior and microstructures of hydrous olivine aggregates at upper
mantle pressures and temperatures
T. Ohuchi, T. Kawazoe, Y. Higo, and A. Suzuki |
・May |
A paper is accepted in American Mineralogist.
Single crystal synthesis of δ-(Al,Fe)OOH
T. Kawazoe, I. Ohira, T. Ishii, T. Boffa Ballaran, C. McCammon, A. Suzuki, and E.
Ohtani |
・May |
A paper is accepted in American Mineralogist.
Synthesis and crystal structure of LiNbO3-type Mg3Al2Si3O12: A possible indicator of shock conditions of meteorites
T. Ishii, R. Sinmyo, T. Komabayashi, T. Boffa Ballaran, T. Kawazoe, N. Miyajima, K. Hirose, and T. Katsura |
・March |
A paper is accepted in Geophysical Research Letters.
Identical activation volumes of dislocation mobility in the [100](010)
and [001](010) slip systems in natural olivine
L. Wang, S. Blaha, T. Kawazoe, N. Miyajima, and T. Katsura |
・January |
I am invited to CETUS Working Group: Rise of the HERATICs working group meeing (Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston). |
【2016】 |
・October |
A paper is published in American Mineralogist.
Transition metals in the transition zone: crystal chemistry of minor element
substitution in wadsleyite
L. Zhang, J.R. Smyth, J. Allaz, T. Kawazoe, S.D. Jacobsen, and Z. Jin |
・September |
A paper is published in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
Creep strength of ringwoodite measured at pressure-temperature conditions
of the lower part of the mantle transition zone
using a deformation-DIA apparatus
T. Kawazoe, Y. Nishihara, T. Ohuchi, N. Miyajima, G. Maruyama, Y. Higo, K. Funakoshi,
and T. Irifune |
・May |
A paper is published in American Mineralogist (Letter).
Coupled substitution of Fe3+ and H+ for Si in wadsleyite: a study by polarized infrared and Moessbauer spectroscopies
and single-crystal X-ray diffraction
T. Kawazoe, A. Chaudhari, J.R. Smyth, and C. McCammon |
・May |
A paper is published in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
Temperature dependence of [100](010) and [001](010) dislocation mobility
in natural olivine
L. Wang, S. Blaha, Z. Pinter, R. Farla, T. Kawazoe, N. Miyajima, K. Michibayashi, and T. Katsura |
・March |
I attended the last lecture by Prof. Eiji Ohtani at Tohoku University in Sendai. |
・March |
I was invited to teach students at Department of Earth Sciences at Tohoku University by the "Improvement
of Prominent Graduate School" program. |
・February |
A paper is published in Review of Scientific Instruments.
Generation of pressures over 40 GPa using Kawai-type multi-anvil press
with tungsten carbide anvils
T. Ishii, L. Shi, R. Huang, N. Tsujino, D. Druzhbin, R. Myhill, Y. Li,
L. Wang, T. Yamamoto, N. Miyajima, T. Kawazoe,
N. Nishiyama, Y. Higo, Y. Tange, and T. Katsura |
【2015】 |
・November |
A paper is published in American Mineralogist (Letter).
Dislocation microstructures in simple-shear-deformed wadsleyite at transition-zone
Weak-beam dark-field TEM characterization of dislocations on the (010)
N. Miyajima, and T. Kawazoe |
・October |
A paper is published in Science Advances.
Dislocation-accommodated grain boundary sliding as the major deformation
mechanism of olivine in the Earth's upper mantle
T. Ohuchi, T. Kawazoe, Y. Higo, K. Funakoshi, A. Suzuki, T. Kikegawa, and T. Irifune |
・September |
A paper is published in American Mineralogist (Letter).
Synthesis of large wadsleyite single crystals by solid-state recrystallization
T. Kawazoe, J. Buchen, and H. Marquardt |
・June |
A paper is published in Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors.
In situ observation of crystallographic preferred orientation of deforming
olivine at high pressure and high temperature
T. Ohuchi, Y. Nishihara, Y. Seto, T. Kawazoe, M. Nishi, G. Maruyama, M. Hashimoto, Y. Higo, K. Funakoshi, A. Suzuki,
T. Kikegawa, and T. Irifune
・January |
I am invited to Japan Geoscience Union meeting 2015 (May 24th-28th, session S-IT04).
My collaborator, Dr. Robert Farla, is also invited to the same session. |
【2014】 |
・July |
A paper is published in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
Crystallographic preferred orientation of wadsleyite and ringwoodite:
effects of phase transformation and water on seismic anisotropy in the
mantle transition zone
T. Ohuchi, K. Fujino, T. Kawazoe, and T. Irifune
・May |
A paper is published in The Review of High Pressure Science and Technology (in Japanese).
Recent advances in deep mantle rheology (Free!)
T. Kawazoe |
・January |
A paper is published in Journal of Geophysical Research.
Rheology of fine-grained forsterite aggregate at deep upper mantle conditions
Y. Nishihara, T. Ohuchi, T. Kawazoe, D. Spengler, M. Tasaka, T. Kikegawa, A. Suzuki, and E. Ohtani
【2013】 |
・March |
A paper is published in Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors.
Seismic anisotropy in the mantle transition zone induced by shear deformation
of wadsleyite
T. Kawazoe, T. Ohuchi, Y. Nishihara, N. Nishiyama, K. Fujino, and T. Irifune
・February |
Uploaded on a server of University of Bayreuth. |